Dear Friends and Colleagues,
We are pleased to announce the ABCD meeting “From stress response to tissue development and regeneration” to be held in Pavia, on the 28-29 September 2018.
The meeting will take place at the Aula del 400 Università di Pavia, piazza Leonardo da Vinci, Pavia, in the centre of the city.
This joint meeting of CSSA (Cell Stress, Survival and Apoptosis) and SCDRM (Stem Cells, Development and Regenerative Medicine) groups aims at promoting the integration of emerging concepts in the field of cell stress response with mechanisms of development and differentiation that control stem cell properties, cell/tissue plasticity and repair/regenerative processes.
We are pleased to announce the participation of two keynote speakers:
Francesco Cecconi (Dept of Biology, University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Rome, Italy; Unit of Cell Stress and Survival, Danish Cancer Society Research Center, Copenhagen, Denmark: Dept of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, Bambino Gesù Children's Hospital IRCCS, Rome, Italy).
Stefano Pluchino (Dept of Clinical Neurosciences and NIHR Biomedical Research Centre, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK).
The meeting will pay equal attention on new molecular/cellular basis of biological processes, normal and pathological, as well as the application of established knowledge towards applicative approaches.
The sessions of the meeting will include the following topics:
As usual, the setting of the conference will provide a friendly environment, aiming to stimulate discussion and promote active participation of Ph.D. students and post-docs.
We hope that the meeting will provide a great opportunity to share new ideas, start collaborations and also enjoy Pavia and the Alma Ticinensis University, one of the oldest universities in Europe.
We look forward to seeing you in Pavia!
Alessandra Montecucco
Luciano Conti
Cristina Mazzoni
Massimo Gulisano
Certificates of Attendance are available through your personal myCSRM area (myDocs tab).
The Abstracts book is available through your personal myCSRM area, (myDocs tab).
Abstracts submission:
20 July 2018
10 August 2018
Early bird payments:
20 July 2018
CNR Istitute of Molecular Genetics
University of Trento
Sapienza University of Rome
University of Catania
Francesco Cecconi is Full Professor of Developmental Biology at the University of Rome Tor Vergata, Unit Head at the Danish Cancer Society Research Center in Copenhagen, Denmark and member of the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO).
As a Max-Planck-Institute researcher (MPI of Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen, Germany) in the field of developmental cell death, he has described the function in vivo of Apaf1 (1997), a master regulator of mitochondria-dependent apoptosis. In 1999, he was awarded a Telethon Scientist position, and since then he is the Head of the Molecular Embryology Lab at the Department of Biology, University of Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy. After his seminal work on the pro-autophagy molecule Ambra1 (2007), he became a world-leader in the field of autophagy, while producing in parallel key papers on the role played by apoptotic molecules in synaptic degeneration.
He is author of more than 150 publications in peer-reviewed journals, including Nature, Cell, and Nature Cell Biology. In recent years, he has developed a strong expertise in the role played by autophagy in cancer and his team is dissecting the regulatory network of this process by multidisciplinary approaches.
After receiving his MD (1995) and PhD in Neuroscience (2004) from the University of Siena (Italy), Stefano completed a residency program in Neurology at the same University (1999) and received additional training at the Brain Repair Centre, Cambridge University, UK (1996-1998). He then completed two Post doctoral fellowships (2004-2005) with Gianvito Martino at the San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan (Italy), where he progressed to the position of Project and the Group leader (2005-2010). Stefano is a University Reader in Regenerative Neuroimmunology and Honorary Consultant in Neurology at the University of Cambridge, UK, within the Clifford Allbutt Building - Cambridge Biosciences Campus (2010-). He has also been a European Research Council (ERC) Starting Independent Researcher (2010) and current member of the Department of Clinical Neurosciences.
Current projects in the PluchinoLab are exploring the cellular and molecular mechanisms regulating the therapeutic plasticity of neural stem cells in complex CNS diseases such as multiple sclerosis, spinal cord/brain injuries and stroke. While keeping an eye on next generation stem cells, either induced pluripotent stem (iPS) or induced neural stem (iNS) cells that are being tested via classical experimental cell therapy approaches, we are also devoting special attention to the study of the different modalities by which stem cells signal to the brain and the immune system (neuro/immune interactions).